Vicki Lim, L.M.T.

Yoga Therapy

Yoga therapy meets the individual as he/she is and where he/she is at this point and time.  It is about addressing each person's unique interests and concerns, whether it be on improving posture, health, strength and/or flexibility.  A misconception about yoga is the idea that the value of each posture lies in achieving its precise fixed form.  With yoga therapy I work with you to support recovery from accidents/surgery starting from where you are now and adapting the postures to meet your needs.  Your individual skeletal and muscular structure needs to be taken into consideration.  Your practice becomes a means of improving the function of the body's systems and allows you to use your body more efficiently.  With application you can change habitual patterns at a neuromuscular level and develop more beneficial patterns, leading to increased wellness.

Breath is a vital part of this process.  It is important to become aware of the integrated relationship between the breath, movement and the spine.  Normal unconscious breathing is controlled by the autonomic nervous system.  As part of this process you will learn to consciously control your breathing in your practice.  All movement in asana is initiated through the action of the breath.  It evokes a natural movement of the spine which supports the body's movement into the posture.