Vicki Lim, L.M.T.

Ear Coning

Coning stimulates the respiratory system to clean itself.  It can help with chronic inflammation of the eustachian tubes and inflammation of the mucus membranes which can lead to catarrh.  It helps with the removal of debris from the ear.   The smoke from the small end of the cone spirals into the ear canal with some force.  It helps to equalize the pressure in the eustachian tubes relieving the person of pain, discomfort or the ear feeling full.  It's important not to submerge the head in water for 24 hours after the coning.

The Process

The cone is lit on the wide end and the narrow end is gently placed in the ear.  The smoke caused by the burning sends it in spiral into the ear canal.  As the smoke pours into the ear, it soothes and relaxes the individual. At no point does the tip of the cone in the ear get hot to the touch.  Half way through, the process will be stopped to clean out any debris and then the cone is lite again and the process continued. 


Respiratory Refresher:  These herbs have decongestant, antibiotic and balancing properties. A wonderful respiratory system cleanser.  Ingredients: Mullein Flower, Spearmint, Rosemary, Cedar, Goldenseal, Echinacea

Native Blend:  Especially soothing for the ear canal. Anti-inflammatory.  Ingredients: Mullein Flower, St. John's Wort, Chamomile

Osha Root:  Favorite Native American remedy for respiratory system. Especially effective for moving long standing mucous deposits. Powerful dispeller of negativity.