The Bowen technique originated in Australia and utilizes small movements using very gentle pressure which stimulates the body's own natural resources to start the healing process. By using the body's inate healing mechanism, Bowen is able to relieve pain and discomfort. It works well on muscular/skeletal issues and good results have occurred with patients with asthma, Parkinsons, MS, headaches, and car accidents.
A treatment is gentle, subtle and relaxing. The work is done through light clothing. There is a waiting period between moves that allows the body to rest for a few moments which initiates the process of repair. The most fundamental principle of Bowen is that it's the client's body that does the work, not the therapist, therefore, the body needs time to be left alone. A Bowen treatment continues to work for 5 days so it is important not to schedule other therapies during that time. Doing so will stop the action of the treatment. Often the most benefit occurs on day 4. A doctor studying Bowen therapy discovered that it boosts the immune system during the 5 days and it returns to normal on day 6.
Post treatment reactions are not uncommon. They can include tiredness, thirst, increase in symptoms, stiffness, and headaches but that doesn't mean you should stop the treatment. Instead it indicates that the body is processing the work that was done and more treatments should produce a positive result.